About Us

Our Story
Recipe 2 Inspire started with the intention of serving our deen and community by providing the ‘Everyday Muslim’ with a platform and place to learn, grow and develop spiritually, so that they can be the very best versions of themselves.
In an era where social media is the primary source of quick, and often incorrect information and guidance, there is a real need to bring it back to the basics of learning our faith from the rightly guided people of knowledge, with a true Islamic ethos and taking example from the exemplarary character of our Beloved Prophet, Muhammad ﷺ
We are a Community Interest Company (14729781), which means that we are a non-profit organisation, with a primary aim to serve the community.
We are driven by values
Tarbiyyah, the development and the training of people in various aspects of their lives, is not just for children – we all require guidance and assistance in all aspects of our lives, at every age and at every stage of our Islamic learning.